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Rector's Reception



About applications for applicants to the Bachelor of NAVOI STATE PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE for the 2021-2022 academic year
Language of instruction: Uzbek
As of 21/07/2021
Direction name direction code admission plan acceptance 2021
Grant Contract The number of those who chose the direction of study Selection
Form of study: Full-time
Mathematics and Computer Science 5110100 50 175 Full-time:6458
Physics and Astronomy 5110200 30 70
Chemistry 5110300 25 75
Biology 5110400 25 75
Fundamentals of Geography and Economics 5110500 30 95
History 5110600 20 80
Fine arts and engineering graphics 5110800 10 65
Pedagogy and Psychology 5110900 10 90
Professional education: vocal art (by type) 5111002 5 20
Professional education: design (clothing and fabrics) 5111004 5 20
Professional education: painting (with bench) 5111006 5 20
Professional education: instrumental performance (by type) 5111014 5 20
Music education 5111100 15 60
Uzbek language and literature 5111200 35 115
Foreign language and literature: English 5111400 40 135
National ideology, foundations of spirituality and legal education 5111600 10 15
Primary education 5111700 35 115
Preschool education 5111800 40 110
Physical education 5112000 20 30
Physical culture (women’s sports) 5112001 10 15
Technology Education 5112100 15 60
School Management 5611700 10 65
Russian in other language groups 5112500 20 55
Treatment 5510100 5 20
Pediatric work 5611700 5 20
Sports activities (wrestling) 5610500 5 20
Mathematics and informatics (Uchkuduk district) 5110100 2
Mathematics and Informatics (Khatyrchinsky District) 5110100 2
Physics and Astronomy (Konimex region) 5110200 1
Physics and Astronomy (Tomdinsky District) 5110200 1
Chemistry (Konimekskiy district) 5110300 4
Chemistry (Tomdinsky District) 5110300 4
Chemistry (Uchkuduk district) 5110300 2
Biology (Uchkuduk district) 5110400 1
Fundamentals of Geography and Economics (Khatyrchinsky District) 5110500 2
History (Konimeh district) 5110600 3
History (Tomdinsky District) 5110600 1
History (Uchkuduk district) 5110600 2
Pedagogy and psychology (Konimekh district) 5110900 3
Pedagogy and Psychology (Tomdinsky District) 5110900 2
Pedagogy and Psychology (Khatyrchinsky District) 5110900 1
Foreign language and literature: English (Konimeh district) 5111400 5
Foreign language and literature: English (Tomdinsky district) 5111400 6
Foreign language and literature: English (Uchkuduk region) 5111400 5
Foreign language and literature: English (Khatyrchinsky district) 5111400 4
National ideology, foundations of spirituality and legal education (Konimeks district) 5111600 1
National ideology, foundations of spirituality and legal education (Tomdinsky district) 5111600 2
National ideology, foundations of spirituality and legal education (Khatyrchinsky district) 5111600 1
Primary education (Uchkuduk district) 5111700 2
Form of study: Part-time
Mathematics and Computer Science 5110100 200 Part-time:10653
Biology 5110400 50
Fundamentals of Geography and Economics 5110500 50
History 5110600 25
Fine arts and engineering graphics 5110800 25
Pedagogy and Psychology 5110900 75
Music education 5111100 25
Uzbek language and literature 5111200 75
National ideology, foundations of spirituality and legal education 5111600 25
Primary education 5111700 175
Preschool education 5111800 200
Physical education 5112000 100
Technology Education 5112100 50
Social work (citizens’ self-government bodies) 5520100 100
Form of study: Evening training
Mathematics and Computer Science 5110100 50 Evening training:1305
Physics and Astronomy 5110200 50
Chemistry 5110300 50
Pedagogy and Psychology 5110900 25
Foreign language and literature: English 5111400 25
Preschool education 5111800 25
Defectology: speech therapist 5111901 25
Russian in other language groups 5112500 25
Bakalavrlar kunduzgi
Bakalavrlar sirtqi

Shifr Ta’lim yo’nalishlari  nomi

2019-2020 o’quv yili uchun qabul kvotalari

Jami shu jumladan:
grant kontrakt
5110100 Matematika o`qitish metodikasi 117 33 84
5110200 Fizika va astronomiya o`qitish metodikasi 109 31 78
5110300 Kimyo o`qitish metodikasi 76 19 57
5110400 Biologiya o`qitish metodikasi 114 34 80
5110500 Geografiya o`qitish metodikasi 94 28 66
5110600 Tarix o’qitish metodikasi 132 63 69
5110700 Informatika o`qitish metodikasi 97 25 72
5110800 Tasviriy san’at va muhandislik grafikasi 87 7 80
5110900 Pedagogika va psixologiya 94 22 72
5111100 Musiqiy ta’lim 84 18 66
5111200 O’zbek tili va adabiyoti 170 53 117
5111300 Rus tili va adabiyoti 100 21 79
5111300 Qozoq tili va adabiyoti 112 81 31
5111300 Rus tili va adabiyoti o`zga tilli guruhlarda 108 23 85
5111400 Ingliz tili va adabiyoti 223 64 159
5111600 Milliy g`oya, ma’naviyat asoslari va huquq ta’limi 61 18 43
5111700 Boshlang`ich ta’lim va sport tarbiyaviy ish 186 43 143
5111800 Maktabgacha ta’lim 149 41 108
5112000 Jismoniy madaniyat 199 64 135
Shu jumladan,  xotin-qizlar sporti yo`nalishi 36 10 26
5112100 Texnologiya ta’lim 62 12 50
5111000 Kasb ta’limi:vokal san’ati (turlari bo’yicha) 23 5  18
5111000 Kasb ta’limi:cholg’u ijrochiligi (turlari bo’yicha) 21 6 15
5111000 Kasb ta’limi:rangtasvir (turlari bo’yicha) 28 7 21
5111000 Kasb ta’limi:dizayn (turlari bo’yicha) 28 6 22
5112100 Iqtisodiy bilim asoslarini o’qitish metodikasi 31 10 21
 5611700 Maktab menejmenti 61 13 48
 Bakalavrlar  kunduzgi jami: 2594 754 1840

Shifr Ta’lim yo’nalishlari  nomi

2019-2020 o’quv yili uchun qabul kvotalari

Jami shu jumladan:
grant kontrakt
5110400 Biologiya o`qitish metodikasi 67 2 65
5110600 Tarix o’qitish metodikasi 52 5 47
5110700 Informatika o`qitish metodikasi 73 3 70
5110800 Tasviriy san’at va muhandislik grafikasi 34 1 33
5110900 Pedagogika va psixologiya 76 4 72
5111100 Musiqiy ta’lim 31 1 30
5111200 O’zbek tili va adabiyoti 92 3 89
5111700 Boshlang`ich ta’lim va sport tarbiyaviy ish 257 5 252
5111800 Maktabgacha ta’lim 236 3 233
5112000 Jismoniy madaniyat 84 84
5112100 Texnologiya ta’lim 56 2 55
Bakalavr sirtqi jami: 1058 28 1030