On August 23 of the current year in Navoi State Pedagogical Institute began the process of interviewing graduates who have successfully graduated from technical schools of 2024/2025 academic year to receive a bachelor’s degree.
Based on the approved schedule, interviews are conducted in the educational directions of bachelor’s degree “Preschool Education”, “Physical Education”, “Pediatrics”, “Treatment”. To the interview process are involved together with qualified professors and teachers of the institute teachers who successfully work in the specialty, and the preparation of applicants is assessed at the appropriate level.
Interview Cabinet of Ministers Decree No. 17 of January 11, 2022 “On Approval of the Regulations on the procedure for admission of graduates who have successfully graduated from technical schools to bachelor courses of higher education institutions on the basis of an interview” (https://lex.uz/docs/-5818575). The exam can be followed online at the link (https://nspi.uz/?page_id=21127).