At the meeting, A. Mukimov emphasized on directing the intellectual and creative potential of the youth to the perspective of the Motherland, studying various ideologies, beliefs, ideas of our country and the world, participating in the formation of a healthy worldview and political culture. A mutually beneficial cooperation of scientific and creative institutions and organizations and the media provided students with detailed information on support, lectures on spirituality and enlightenment, conferences and discussions.
“Spirituality and enlightenment begin first and foremost in places of knowledge, in neighborhoods and in families. If we seek to raise the value of education, values, to preserve traditions, then, of course, educational institutions should be the place of our propaganda, attention to the future of youth – our main work, our goal” – stated in the Spiritual Administration of Navoi region. and enlightenment A. Mukimov, head of the department of the center. Navoi State Pedagogical Institute at a meeting with young people of the Mathematics and Information Science and Physics and Technology faculties.