Navoi State Pedagogical Institute held a scientific – practical seminar on the topic ” The role of women in the development of Science and innovation” within the framework of “INNOWOMENWEEK” – Innovation Week of inventive women.
Seminar was held on the occasion of the “International Day of girls in the field of ICT”-April 28, in cooperation with prof. K.T.Norqulova,head of the Department for the development of Science and innovation of the state branch of family and women’s of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Ra’no Barnaevna,Regional Head of the Department of family and women’s Affairs, and also members of the women’s Advisory Council of the Institute and the Department of Informatics.
The main purpose of the scientific–practical seminar is to provide comprehensive support for the implementation of innovative projects and works of women and girls to promote the legal protection of real estate objects and introduce an innovative approach to their activities.
At the seminar the issues of application of information and communication technologies in the system of public education were discussed in order to increase the scientific potential of programmer teachers, doctoral students, students. Presentations of projects on the use of virtual stands in the organization of classes, Organization of teaching on the basis of special educational programs for young people with limited opportunities for education in families, implementation of a system of scientific and methodological assistance to school teachers and “Smart kindergarten” for the system of preschool education, use of telegrams “Messenger” in the educational process were also held.
Also within the framework of the seminar, a round table was held with the participation of scientists, women, doctoral students and ICT students on the issue of patent for inventions, application for EXM, obtaining a useful model and brand.