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Rector's Reception


Full nameRaximov Otabek Davlatovich
PositionDean of Faculty
Academic degree and titleАssistant professor
Telephone+998 90 948-23-97
Full nameRaupova Munira Murodovna
PositionDeputy dean on academic affairs
Academic degree and titleАssistant professor
Telephone+998 94 485-86-97
Full nameOchilov Zayniddin Sayfullayevich
PositionDeputy dean on youth affairs
Academic degree and titleClosed
Telephone+998 93 664-59-05

Fakultet haqida

Departments of Faculty:

Department of Music Education
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
Department of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics

Bachelor's fields of Faculty:

60110100 – Pedagogy
60110600 – Music Education
60110500 – Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics
60210400 – Design: Clothing and Textiles
60210500 – Coloring: machine
60211400 – Vocal Arts: Traditional Singing
60211500 – Instrumental performance: folk instruments

Master's fields of Faculty:

70110101 – Theory and History of Pedagogy
70110601 – Music Education and the Arts
70110501 – Fine Arts

Number of professor-teachers72
Doctors and Professors6
Candidate and docent10
Senior and assistant teachers56
Scientific skill of Faculty23%


About Faculty
Scientific research
Spiritual and educational work
Talented students

The total capacity of the faculty building is 1025 places, classes are held in 2 shifts. The number of classrooms is 39. The faculty has a sufficient number of classrooms and technical means of education to organize the educational process within the framework of modern requirements. In addition, professors and teachers have created educational-methodical complexes for various disciplines. In addition, visual aids, didactic materials and videos have been created. In particular, there are about 20 computers (1 computer class), 6 video projectors and 3 electronic boards. There is literature on educational areas based on the standard curriculum and standard subject programs.
The graduating class of the faculty in 2024 will consist of 383 full-time students, 103 part-time students and 11 master students.


The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology has approved research topics and conducts research. In particular, D.H.Umurzakov, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Psychology, by recommendation of the Council of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Armenia, was awarded the academic title of DOCTOR in the specialty of “Social Psychology. Ethnopsychology”. Republic of Uzbekistan. 03 № 016228 Date: July 3, 2024, Minutes № 357/1. By the decision of the Council of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences M.M. Raupova was awarded the academic title of DOCTOR OF PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES (DSc). 04 № 008391 Date November 30, 2024 Protocol № 364/1.
The teacher Ikromov Oybek Ibrogimovich 25.11.2024 will defend a thesis on the theme “Psychological features of manifestation of memory types in teaching students English” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty “Psychology” at the Department of “Psychology and Psychology. Psychology of adolescence and development” at 19.00 Protection of 100% of votes on the specialty .06. Teacher Sharipov Alisher Nuriddinovich December 12, 2024 will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in psychology for the dissertation ‘Ethnopsychological study of Uzbek folk oral art in the formation of volitional qualities of adolescents (11-15 years)’.

It is announced about the defense of the dissertation on the topic “Secret mechanism” 19.00.05 in the specialty “Social psychology. Ethnopsychology (psychological sciences)”.
The theme of the thesis of the teacher Turobova Shakhnoza Umirovna for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty “Psychology” on the theme “Improvement of mechanisms of rendering psychological services to workers of mining and extractive industry” is approved and published in the Bulletin of the UAC. Scientific supervisor O.E.Khaitov. The defense is planned for May 2025. The topic of the thesis of the teacher Ravshanova Ziyoda Nuralievna for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty “Psychology” on the theme “Social and psychological features of the formation of entrepreneurial competencies in adolescent students” is approved and published in the Bulletin of the UAC. Scientific supervisor O.E.Khaitov. The defense is planned for September 2025. The subject of the thesis of the teacher Mukhiddinova Nilufar Bakhodirovna for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences on the theme “Development of practical competence of future teachers in the conditions of credit-modular system” is approved and published in the Bulletin of DUB. Scientific supervisor B.H.Hodjaev.

The defense is scheduled for October 2025. The Department of Music Education has approved research topics and conducts research. In particular, “The methodology of increasing musical literacy and creative-pedagogical competence of future music teachers” of the teacher of the department Y.B.Rasulova. The subject of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 13.00.02 “Theory and methodology of education and training” (specialty “music”) was approved (supervisor Professor S.B. Saidiy).
Lecture by the teacher of the department D.R. Murtozaev on the topic “Preparation of future music teachers to collective singing with the use of instrumental methods”) 13.00.01 Theory and History of Pedagogy. The subject of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on the history of pedagogical education (specialization “music”) was approved (supervisor).

Obtaining the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 13.00.02 Theory and methodology of teaching and education (specialty “music”) on the theme “Improving the methodology of formation of professional competence of future music teachers with the use of digital technologies” Lecturer of the department L.N. Nosirov The theme of the dissertation is approved.
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the specialty “Improving the methodology of development of performing skills of students by means of folklore songs” teacher of the department Kodirov Bakhrom Giyezovich 13.00.02 – Theory and Methodology of Teaching and Education (music) Theme approved.
On awarding the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) to the teacher of department, independent researcher Aslanov Sherzodjon Turgunovich on a theme “Improvement of a methodology of development of creativity at training of future teachers of music of a subject ‘Traditional singing’ ( (on an example of Shashmakom)” The theme of the dissertation is approved.
For the last 3 years the departments of the faculty have published a total of more than 110 articles in local and foreign journals recognized by OAK.

The faculty has a plan of spiritual-educational work, approved by the vice-rector for youth work of the institute, on its basis the teachers-mentors every Friday organize an exemplary “Information” hour, which is recorded by the mentors in the journal. group journals. done. In addition, many activities have been organized. In particular, for Independence Day, Teacher and Mentor Day, Constitution Day, parents’ meetings, together with internal affairs officers, “Religious extremism and terrorism – a threat to the future of young people”, together with medical staff, sports events were organized: “Drug addiction among youth. Negative impact on education”, ‘Beware of the flu’, ‘Merry and resourceful’ and a number of others, in which students and teachers of the faculty took an active part.

Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics Department 3rd year student of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics Department Mukhlisa Zakirovna Mardieva.
Department of “Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics” Painting 4th year student Kuldashev Madajon Ramazonovich. Mavlonova Sadinabonu Nurbakhodirovna, 3rd year student of the design department of the department of “Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics”.
Sulaimanova Nigina Bakhtiyorovna, a 4th year student of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. Ismatova Oiniso Hikmatovna, 3rd year student of the Department of Music Education.
Tanikulov Ozodbek Akborovich, a 2nd year student of the Department of Music Education, specialty “Music Education”. Talented students, whose names are listed below, take an active part in competitions, events and scientific conferences held at the regional and national levels.

Number of Students

Academic groups
In Uzbek groups
In Kazakh groups

News of Faculty