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Rector's Reception


Head of Department


Telephone: +998 91 333 30 31
Email: inobatshamsiyeva1@gmail.com

Shamsieva Inobat Kasimjonovna
assistant professor
doctor of sciences, professors%
candidate of sciences, associate professors7
Senior teachers3
teachers and assistants7
About Department
Scientific field of Department
Subjects of Deparment
Teachers of Department

Since May 7, 2024 the chair was headed by Associate Professor Shamsieva I.H. The department of “Physical Culture” was established in 1994, and in 1994-2004 the head of the department was Candidate of Technical Sciences worked Associate Professor Nurullaev A.G. In 2004 the department was appointed Associate Professor O.K. Musaev, senior lecturer in 2010 Mustafoev Y.H., in 2012 S.E. It was headed by Bobomurodov, in 2018-2024 worked Associate Professor Sh.S. Khodzhiev. Currently there are 17 professors-teachers working in the department. Here, 5 associate professors, 2 doctors of philosophical sciences (PhD), 3 senior lecturers, 7 teachers teach classes on subjects.

 Application of the tasks of physical education and sports. The introduction of mass sports and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in remote villages.

Currently, the department has 17 professors-teachers. Among them: 5 associate professors, 2 candidates of sciences, 3 senior teachers, 7 teachers.
Turdiev Umidjon Kamoliddinovich 13.00.01-Pedagogical theory. Doctoral philosophical (PhD) thesis defense on the topic “Pedagogical conditions for the management of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions based on digital technologies” in the specialty “History of Pedagogical Sciences”, Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 03/ 30.04. 2021.Ped.82.01 successfully defended the scientific dissertation of the Academic Council in 2023.
Suyarov Kh.B., one of the teachers of the department. (2019), Dzhumaev S.B. (2019) Dzhemilov T.R. (2021) PhD topics published in OAK Bulletin.
In the 2021-2023 academic year, professors and teachers of the department published 10 scientific articles in foreign scientific journals, 28 scientific articles in journals approved by the UAC, more than 100 scientific articles at republican scientific and theoretical conferences. More than 100 articles of the department staff were published at traditional scientific and theoretical conferences held at the institute.
Associate Professor of the Department Shamsiev I.K. In recent years, the textbook “Technologies of teaching physical culture and design” for students of the 3rd year of education “Physical Education” has been published.
Safarov’s son Olmasbek Sultan is a 3rd grade student of the Faculty of Physical Education; Participated in the competition for the Navoi State Scholarship, established for bachelors of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and became the laureate of the Navoi State Scholarship 2022. Supervisor: Nurullaev Abdukholik Kakhharovich.

In the direction of the bachelor:

• Theory and methodology of physical culture
• Athletics and its teaching methods
• Types of wrestling and methods of its training
• Swimming and teaching methods
• Technologies and design of physical education teaching
• Tourism and teaching methods
• Physical education and sports pedagogy
• Management of physical culture and sports
• Organization and refereeing of sports competitions
• Physical education, theory and methodology of sports
• Improving sports and pedagogical skills (wrestling)
• Fundamentals of training young wrestlers
• Sports metrology
• Organization and holding of sports events
• Organization and holding of sports sections

In the specialty of the master’s degree:

• Theory and methods of physical education and sports
• Organization of scientific activity in the field of physical education and sports
• Organization of the educational process in the field of physical culture of the bachelor’s degree
• Optional sciences (Theory and methodology of selected sports (individual wrestling)
• Optional sciences (organization and conduct of extracurricular activities)

• Shamsieva Inobat Kasymzhonovna – head of the department, associate professor
• Nurullaev Abdukholik Kakhahorovich – Associate Professor
• Aslonova Malakhat Akramovna – Associate Professor
• Turdiev Umid Kamollidinovich – Associate Professor
• Khadzhiev Sherali Suvonovich – Associate Professor
• Farida Abdullaevna Zaripova – PhD
• Musaev Otabek Kudratovich – PhD
• Bobomurodov Sobit Erkinovich – Senior teacher
• Dostov Dilmurod Karimovich – Senior teacher
• Urinov Oblokul Dzhumayevich – Senior teacher
• Mamanazarov Azamat Khasanovich – teacher
• Dzhemilov Temur Rasimovich – teacher
• Suyarov Khurshid Bakhriddinovich – teacher
• Norov Yuldosh Beknazarovich – teacher
• Pirimova Nargiza Adilovna – teacher
• Dzhumaev Sohib Botirboevich – teacher
• Berdyev Dilmurod Nomonovich – teacher

Gymnastics and its teaching methods
The science of the theory and methodology of physical culture
Types of wrestling and methods of teaching
Sports and movement games and their teaching methods