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+998 79 225-07-32
+998 79 225-19-71
Rector's Reception


Full nameKamolov Ikhtiyor Ramazonovich
PositionDean of Faculty
Academic degree and titleCandidate of technical science, professor
Telephone+998 79 225-38-35
Full nameKanatbayev Sagidat Saduovich
PositionDeputy Dean for Academic Affairs
Academic degree and titleClosed
Telephone+998 79 225-38-35, +99897 228-09-56
Full nameShamsiyev Maxkam Sultonovich
PositionDeputy Dean for Youth Policy
Academic degree and titleClosed
Telephone+998 79 225-38-35

About Faculty

Departments of Faculty

1. Department of Physics and Astronomy
2. Department of Technological Education

Bachelor speciality of Faculty

60110700 – Physics and astronomy
60112300 – Technological education

Master speciality of Faculty

70110701 – Methods of teaching exact and natural sciences (physics and astronomy)
70112301 – Theory and methodology of education and upbringing (Technological education)

Number of professors and teachers28
Doctors and professors5
Candidates and docents11
Senior and assistant teachers12
Scientific research of Faculty57%


master's degree
About Faculty
Scientific research of Faculty
Spiritual and educational work
Talented students

Факультет создан 21 сентября 2021 года. В состав факультета входят кафедры физики и астрономии и технологического образования. Число профессоров – 28. Из них 16 имеют научный потенциал, т.е. 57%. Общая вместимость факультетского корпуса – 720 мест, занятия проводятся в 2 смены. Количество учебных залов – 18.
Факультет располагает достаточным количеством аудиторий и технических средств обучения для организации учебного процесса в рамках современных требований. Также профессора и преподаватели создали УУМ в области науки. Кроме того, созданы наглядные пособия, дидактические материалы, видеоролики. Среди них около 100 компьютеров, 24 планшета и 1 ноутбук (1 компьютерный класс), 6 видеопроекторов, 6 электронных досок, 2 диапроектора и 2 эпидоскопа.
В декабре 2018 года и январе 2019 года в рамках госпрограммы из Германии были привезены помещения для физических лабораторий и лабораторное оборудование на сумму 192 000 евро. Оборудование установлено в 2 новых лабораторных помещениях. Количество лабораторий – 39. Также в 2023 и 2024 годах ИСЛАМСКИЙ БАНК РАЗВИТИЯ предоставил лабораторное оборудование по предметам «Технология питания» и «Технологический практикум» для кафедры технологического образования.
Имеется литература по образовательным направлениям на основе примерного учебного плана и образцовых научных программ. В частности, в 2019 году профессора-преподаватели кафедры физики и астрономии Б.Избосаров, И.Камолов, Б.Бисенова, Д.Камолова и С.Канатбаев подготовили 3 учебника, Б.Хушвактов и Ш.Б. Одно учебное пособие Очилова, 1 учебное пособие А.К. Кутбединова, Ш.О. Тошполатова, Н. Аззамовалар в 2020 году, 1 учебное пособие А.К. Кутбединова, Ш.О. Тошполатова, И. в 2021 году. Камолова, 1 учебное пособие Ш.О.Тошполатовой и Г.Кураловой, Б.Избосарова, И.Камолова, А.А.Ахмедова, Д.Камоловой, Г.И.Сайфуллаевой, Ю.И.Мавлоновой создано 2 учебных пособия, 4 учебных пособия. Учебные пособия созданы профессорами кафедры в 2022 году. В 2023 году преподавателями создано 8 учебников и 6 учебных пособий. Из них 2 учебника написаны в соавторстве с зарубежными партнерами.
В 2020-2021 учебном году факультет заканчивают 100 студентов, в 2021/22 учебном году – 117, в 2022/23 учебном году – 221 учебный год. В текущем 2023/24 учебном году 38 студентов проходят практику в БМИ, завершают выпускную квалификационную работу по педагогической практике и продолжают осуществлять экспериментальную работу.
В 2024 году планируется привезти лабораторное оборудование Азиатского банка развития в целях укрепления материально-технической базы кафедры технологического образования.

1. A.A. Akhmedov, D.I. Kamalova defended their dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Sciences (DSc) in 2022. In 2022 Kutbedinov A.K. received the scientific title of “professor”. Also in 2023 Khalilov Sh.E. Doctor of Philosophy in Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Samandarov L.K. successfully defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences. In 2023 Ochilov Sh.B., Khushvaktov B.N., Sayfullaeva G.I. were awarded the academic title “associate professor”.
2. In May 2023 at the faculty will be held the International Scientific and Practical Conference on the theme “The First Revival: Abu Rayhan Beruni and the development of natural sciences”, and in October 2023 – the Republican Scientific Conference on the theme “Modern trends. in teaching physics in pedagogical and information environment: problems and solutions” – was held.
3. In April 2024, the Faculty held a Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on the theme “Modern trends in teaching physics in the environment of pedagogical and information technologies: problems and solutions”.


At the faculty there is a plan of spiritual-educational work, approved by the vice-rector of the institute for youth work, on the basis of this the teachers-coaches organized an hour of “Information” every Friday of the week and wrote it in the journal. group journals of the coaches. In addition, many events were organized. For example, for Independence Day, Teacher and Coach Day, Constitution Day, Parents’ Assembly, “Religious extremism and terrorism – a threat to the future of young people” in cooperation with internal affairs officers, “Drug use in young people” in cooperation with medical personnel. Negative impact on education”, on the theme ‘Beware of flu’, ‘Fun and smart’, sports events and a number of other events were organized, in which students and teachers of the faculty took an active part. .
At present 1128 students study at the faculty on full-time, part-time and evening forms of education, 53 of them live in student dormitories, 422 – in rented houses and houses of close relatives, the rest – in their own houses. On the basis of the plan established by the administration of the Institute, a round-the-clock duty was organized in the student dormitory and the educational building. Students living in rented housing are constantly informed about their situation, rental addresses are prepared, albums are made and submitted to the Department of “Spirituality and Enlightenment” of the Institute.

1. Botyrova Noiba – winner of the 2020 Republican Science Olympiad.
2. Sadullaeva Mukhlisa – winner of the 2020 Republican Science Olympiad.
3. Shabnam Mansurova – winner of the 2020 Republican Science Olympiad.
4. Askar Ismatov – winner of the 2020 Republican Science Olympiad.
5. Ubaydullaev Sardor – winner of the 2020 Republican Science Olympiad.
6. Elbek Hasanov – winner of the 2020 Republican Science Olympiad.
7. Saodat Ravshanova – winner of the 2021 Republican Science Olympiad.
8. Mirzakandova Sohibjamol – winner of the 2021 Republican Science Olympiad.
9. Ergasheva Durdona – winner of the 2021 Republican Science Olympiad.
10. Mirzakandova Sokhibzhamol – winner of the 2023 Republican Science Olympiad.
11. Mansurova Shabnam – laureate of the State Scholarship named after I.Karimov 2020.
12. Mirzakandova Sakhibjamol – scholarship recipient of the A. Navoi state scholarship 2021.
13 Ibragimova Nigora is the winner of the state scholarship named after I.Karimov 2021.
14. Namozova Nilufar – winner of the state scholarship named after I. Karimov 2022/2023.
15. Rashidova Nilufar – 2022/2023 recipient of the state scholarship named after A. Navoi.
16. Mirzakandova Sohibjamol – laureate of the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2022/2023.
17. Khamidova Sarvinoz – 2023/2024. Winner of the state scholarship named after A. Navoi
18. Orinova Oisha – winner of the state scholarship named after I. Karimov 2023/2024.
19. Namozova Nilufar – Laureate of the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2023/2024.

Number of Students

Academic groups
In Uzbek groups
In Russian groups
In Kazakh groups

News of Faculty