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+998 79 225-07-32
+998 79 225-19-71
Rector's Reception


Full nameMamatova Dilnavoz Ibragimovna
PositionHead of Chancery
Telephone+998 79 225-19-71

The office is part of the structure of the universite and operates directly under the rector.

The office has the following main functions:

  • Arrange for proper registration, timely registration and submission of documents to the executors;
  • Ensuring the correctness of the documents issued by the university;
  • Receipt of documents addressed to the Rector, their registration on the checklist and submission for notification;
  • Sending documents for execution in accordance with the instructions of the Rector;
  • Verification of the correctness of the documents signed by the rector (vice-rector);
  • Taking into account incoming correspondence, printing forms with the details of the university;
  • Attach executed documents to folders;
  • Execution of completed documents for filing in the archive.

The archive is part of the office of the institute and is under the direct control of the rector in accordance with the approved organizational structure for the academic year. The archive is headed by the director of the archive, who is appointed by the order of the rector. The structure of the archive includes the positions of director of the archive, archivist in accordance with the approved staffing table. The director of the archive and his / her staff work in accordance with job descriptions approved by the rector.

The archive has the following main tasks:

  • NSU archive Receipt of organizational documents
  • It consists of registration, selection, use and preparation for storage by the state.
  • Provides fund serial numbers for collections and documents received in the archive;
  • Organizes expertise to determine the scientific and practical value of documents stored in the archive, provides methodological assistance in the examination of the value of documents in the process;
  • Prepares documents for state storage and submits them within the period specified in the Regulations on the National Archive Fund of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • Organizes the use of documents and, in the prescribed manner, provides references, extracts and copies of documents to both interested organizations and citizens;

Participates in the development of normative and methodological documents on the work with documents in the archives and case management (instructions, recommendations, regulations, lists of documents with a shelf life, etc.), taking into account the specifics of the organization , coordinates them with the bodies and institutions of the Agency “Uzarkhiv” under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan; (Paragraph in the edition of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 131 of March 18, 2004).