Today Navoi State Pedagogical Institute has established partnership relations with more than 30 higher educational institutions of the world. In particular, with universities of such countries as Malaysia, Canada, Russia, Belarus, England, Turkey, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, scientific and practical conferences, online Olympiads, exchange of students and faculty, scientific defenses are held.
In order to expand the scope of cooperation, to obtain a place in the international ranking, Professor of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University Oleksandr Beznosyuk visited Navoi State Pedagogical Institute.
Initially, vice-rector for academic work with foreign scientist G. Yodgorov, vice-rector for scientific work and innovations D. Narzikulova and head of the department of international relations M. Sayidova met and signed an agreement on cooperation between higher educational institutions.
According to this agreement, students, researchers and teaching staff are exchanged, diploma works, coursework and dissertation research are conducted, participation in scientific seminars, trainings, conferences, symposiums, development of joint scientific projects, etc.
After signing the Memorandum of Cooperation, the presentation of textbooks “sports psychology” and “sports metrology”, created in co-authorship with the professor of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University Oleksandr Beznosyuk and professors-teachers of a number of higher educational institutions of the country, including associate professor of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute Dinara Elchieva, took place.
Afterwards, the Ukrainian professor held a practical training session for students of the Faculty of Preschool and Elementary Education, as well as a question and answer session on specialties.
He also talked to the teaching staff of the faculty and told about the work of cooperation between higher educational institutions, scientific potential of Ukrainian educational institutions, educational process.
The scientist expressed warm thoughts and impressions about the attention paid to the sphere of education in our country, about the conveniences, conditions created for the teaching staff.