Tursuntosh Neyematova, a 3rd year student of “Design” department of the Faculty of Art History of Navoi State University, has become the winner of the republican stage of “Nafosat-2024” contest.
In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks defined in the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 21, 2023 № PP-401, the 3rd stage of the competition “Nafosat” was held in the regions in order to: provide entrepreneurs with the opportunity to create designs of modern national costumes and popularize them. In this regard, on December 24, 2024 at the National Institute of Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod a conference on “Modern image of Uzbek woman in society” will be held, and on December 25 at the awarding ceremony of the winners of the republican stage of the national contest “Woman of the Year” Neymatova Tursuntosh Alisher kyzy, a 3rd year student of the specialty “Design” of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics, was recognized as the winner of the republican stage of the contest “Nafosat-2024” and awarded.