On June 21, 2022, a seminar-training was held for the management staff of the Agency for Civil Service Development under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Navbahor district Khokimiyat. The seminar was organized by the head of the Navoi regional branch of the Agency for Civil Service Development under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Z.Sultanov and Chief Inspector A.Latipov, associate professor of NavDPI M.Rakhmatov. Hokim of Navbahor district Urokov Azamat Shodievich, head of the Navoi regional branch of the Agency for Civil Service Development under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Z.Sultanov, associate professor of NavDPI institute M.Rakhmatov and senior lecturer of NavDPI B.Shukurovlar and business leaders attended in this seminar.