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Rector's Reception

Department of Technological Education

About Department
Scientific research of Department
Subjects of Department
Teachers of Department
Electronic educational resources

Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Department of Technological Education was established in September 2021. The department employs 8 professors and teachers, including 3 associate professors, 1 doctor of philosophy, 4 teachers. The department publishes teaching aids, articles based on the plan of professors and teachers. Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor from October 4, 2021 to the department. Sh.B. Ochilov chief.

In connection with the creation of a new department, a research plan was developed, which is being implemented on the basis of this plan.

In the direction of the bachelor:

Technological learning methods
Drawing geometry and engineering graphics
Technical mechanics
Materials Science
Technology Education Seminar
Hydraulics and hydraulic machines
Metrology, standardization and certification
Fundamentals of Robotics
Occupational safety
Folk crafts and decoration
Technical creativity and design
Manufacturing technology
Home basics
Agricultural machinery

Ochilov Shokir Bakhtiyorovich – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of the department
Ataullaev Odil Khasanovich – Ph.D. assistant professor
Nematov Bakhrom – Ph.D. assistant professor
Bisenova Bakht Tabakabulovna – associate professor
Mavlonova Yulduz Ilhomovna – senior teacher
Mardonova Feruza Babakulovna – teacher
Khamraeva Sevara Nasriddinovna – teacher
Sharipov Abdumalik Akhmadovich – teacher
Jamolov Ramazon Saidovich – teacher
Ismoilov Diyorbek Bektemir – teacher
Usmonova Sokhiba Toirovna – teacher