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Rector's Reception


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About Department
Scientific research of Department
Subjects of Department
Teachers of Department
Electronic educational resource

The department of Russian language and literature was founded on October 5, 1988. Today, the department is headed by p.f.n., Associate Professor F.R. Jumayeva is in charge. Currently, the department has 29 professors and teachers. Of these, 2 are associate professors, 4 are candidates of science, 4 are senior teachers.

Professors and teachers of the department conduct research in the following areas:
– Comparison of phenomena of language levels (comparative linguistics);
– Comparative literature;
– The use of innovative technologies in the teaching of Russian language and literature.

Propaedeutic course of Russian literature
Fundamentals of Linguistics
Basic principles of expressive reading practice and literary analysis
History of World Literature
History of Russian literature
Modern Russian
Russian language practicum
Russian literature practicum
History of the Russian language
History of Russian literature
History of world literature
T.f. Literature of the peoples of the CIS
Methods of teaching Russian
Methods of teaching Russian literature
History and dialectology of the Russian language
Russian language stylistics and speech culture
The current literary process
Literary text analysis and expressive reading
Comparative typology
General Linguistics
Literary text analysis and expressive reading

In master’s specialties:

Native language morphology
Methods of teaching special subjects
The end of the XX century – the beginning of the XXI century
Active processes in modern Russian
The world literary process
Traditions and development of poetic text
Practical functional grammar
Problems of the history of Russian criticism
T.f. Current problems of modern literature
Modern trends in the development of the Russian literary language
T.f. Translation Linguistics

Zhumayeva Feruza Ruzikulovna – Head of Department, Associate Professor
Rakhmanova Albina Khodzhaevna – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Kadyrov Kamol Namozovich – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Nazhmiddinov Fazliddin Nasriddinovich – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Shamsieva Dilorom Mardanovna – PhD, Associate Professor
Mardanova Feruza Bahranovna – PhD, Associate Professor
Ruzieva Zilola Mustafaevna – PhD, Senior Lecturer
Istamova Nigora Azimzhanovna – Senior Lecturer
Musaev Erkin Khalilovich – Senior Lecturer
Aripova Malika Ganisherovna — PhD, Senior Lecturer
Ibragimova Nargiza Maratovna – PhD, Senior Lecturer
Fazliddinov Shukhrat Fakhriddinovich – Senior Lecturer
Kamalova Dilafruz Tuymurodovna – teacher
Gafurova Aziza Ziyotovna – Senior Lecturer
Sharapova Diana Rinnatovna – teacher
Rakhmatova Mamura Shakhridinovna – teacher
Musayeva Barno Muminzhonovna – teacher
Khalikova Gulbahor Isanovna – teacher
Kasimov Aziz Berdimuratovich – teacher
Khakimova Nigina Khusanovna – teacher
Akramova Nigora Yadullaevna – teacher
Sidirova Zhanar Umirbekovna – teacher
Hayitmuradova Maftuna Fazliddinovna – teacher
Rakhmatullaeva Iroda Anvarovna – teacher
Olimova Surayo Alisherovna – teacher
Fefelova Guzalia Rashidovna – teacher
Gambarova Khabiba Khabibullaevna – teacher
Shakhnazarova Dilfuza Norpulatovna – teacher
Abbosova Zilola Shermatovna – head of the office

The science of the propaedeutic course of Russian literature
The science of the history of Russian literature
The subject of the practicum of Russian literature
History of Russian literature of the XIX century. fani
The science of the history of world literature