Considering the place of national and universal ideas deeply expressed in the works of Alisher Navoi in the world civilization and their incomparable importance in raising the intellectual potential of the rising young generation, inculcating high moral qualities in their souls, As well as for the purpose of further introduction and wide propaganda of literary and scientific heritage of the great poet and thinker in our country and at international level, in connection with 584th anniversary of birth of the great poet and thinker Hazrat Mir Alisher Navoi and coming 2025 year in our region – “The Year of Alisher Navoi”, in the building of the Center of Spirituality and Enlightenment of Navoi city a report concert was held in the building of the Center of Spirituality and Enlightenment. Navoi held a reporting concert program under the motto “I will find my people, I will find my. ”
This concert program featured ghazals from Navoi’s works, choirs, makom ensembles, instrumental orchestras, soloists, opera and pop singers who left an unforgettable impression with their beautiful musical numbers. The management expressed gratitude to the professors and teachers of the faculty for their contribution to the organization of the report concert.