Look how fast time flies: in the blink of an eye, four seasons have changed, and we are standing on the threshold of 2024. The old year is taking another piece of our lives with it into the depths of history. Now is the time to build new dreams, goals and plans. Because dreams are the whip of the soul and imagination is its whip. During the much-anticipated holidays, goals and intentions are sure to be renewed.
On New Year’s Eve, a festive mood reigns everywhere, city streets, squares, alleys and neighborhoods take on a fairy-tale look, and the variety of colors fills our hearts. New Year’s Eve is one of the most anticipated holidays. Every year this holiday is celebrated with great enthusiasm in all countries. At the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Navoi State University, an event in this spirit called “New Year – New Achievements” was also held today. Poetry and musical performances by students, as well as competitions between teams of adepts and agils took place. This celebration, organized on the principle of competition, brought joy to the gathering. At the end, the librarians presented the students who participated in the event with memorable gifts as a token of appreciation.