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Rector's Reception

Associate Professor of the Faculty of Uzbek Language and Literature, Chairman of the Public Council Botir Zaripov was awarded the sign “Ma’naviyat fidoyisi”

  In the Center of Spirituality and Enlightenment of Navoi region “Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of spiritual and educational work, expanding the scope and scale of comprehensive reforms implemented in our country in connection with the 33rd anniversary of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a solemn ceremony of awarding the sign ‘Ma’naviyat fidoyisi’ to a group of representatives of the spiritual sphere who have made a worthy contribution to strengthening the sense of patriotism and belonging to the ongoing reforms in the hearts of the population was held.

It is a great honor for us that among those awarded with the “Ma’naviyat fidoyisi” badge is Zaripov Botir Polatovich, Head of the Uzbek Linguistics Department of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor.

May the ranks of our devotees and celebrants at our university expand even more!