In 1937-1953 more than 100 thousand representatives of our people became victims of repressive policy of the autocratic regime, 13 thousand of them were shot, thousands of people were unjustly detained and sent into exile. Extensive work is underway to study the lives and activities of our ancestors who gave their lives for the development of the country and freedom of the Motherland and who were victims of political repression. On July 19 of this year, the head of state adopted a decision “On expanding the work on the study, propaganda and perpetuation of the memory of our compatriots who were victims of political repressions”.
In accordance with this decision, together with the Museum of Victims of Repressions in the structure of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, a meeting was held with the descendants of people who unjustly suffered during political repression and became victims of the shameful period. Regional TV and radio company.