60110800 – Chemistry
60110900 – Biology
60111000 – Basics of geography and economic knowledge
70110801 – Methods of teaching exact and natural sciences (Chemistry)
70110901 – Methods of teaching exact and natural sciences (Biology)
70530402 – Geography (in subjects of study)
№ | Full name | The topic of the dissertation | Specialty code and name | Workplace and Position of Scientific Advisor | Period of Defence |
1 | SHodieva Ozoda Majidovna | “G. hirsutum L. Navlarining turli iqlim sharoitlariga moslashish natijasida populyasion o‘zgaruvchanlik darajasi ” 2017 yil noyabr | 03.00.09. Genetika | Q.x.f.d Xalikova Malohat Bobomurodovna Paxta seleksiyasi, urug‘chiligi va etishtirish agrotexnologiyalari ilmiy tadqiqot instituti laboratoriya mudirasi | 2020 yil |
2 | Boratova Muxtasam G‘anievna | “Bo‘lg‘usi biologiya o‘qituvchilarining metodik tayyorgarligini orttirishda mustaqil ta’limdan foydalanish”
2018 yil 28 may |
13.00.02 Ta’lim tarbiya nazariyasi va metodikasi (biologiya) ixtisosligi | Nizomiy nomidagi TDPU BO‘M kafedrasi dotsenti p.f.n. G.S.Ergasheva |
2021 yil |
3 | Hakimova Ruxsatoy Bekmurodovna | YAylov akvakulturasi sharoitida yovvoyi baliqlar galasining jinsiy voyaga etish xususiyatlari | 03.00.15 Ixtiologiya | B.G.Kamilov “Baliqchilik, parrandachilik, asalarichilik” kafedrasiyu | 2021 yil |
4 | Ummatova Muhayyo Egamberdievna | YAylov akvakulturasi sharoitida zog‘ora baliqning o‘sishi va jinsiy voyaga etish xususiyatlari. | 03.00.15 Ixtiologiya | B.G.Kamilov “Baliqchilik, parrandachilik, asalarichilik” kafedrasi | 2020 yil |
5 | Kanatbaeva Turgangul Saduovna | YAylov akvakulturasi sharoitida o‘simlikxo‘r baliqlarning o‘sishi va jinsiy voyaga etish xususiyatlari | 03.00.15 Ixtiologiya | U.T.Mirzaev “Baliqchilik, parrandachilik, asalarichilik” kafedrasi | 2020 yil |
6 | Baxromov Inom Zokirovich | “Texnogen buzilgan erlarni rekultivatsiya qilish biotexnologiyasi” | 03.00.12 Biotexnologiya | Xo‘jjiev Sodiq Oltievich NavDPI dotsenti | 2021 yil |
7 | Raxmonova Ruxsora Bahridinovna | “G.hirsutum L. turiga mansub g‘o‘za duragaylarida tola rangi belgisining irsiylanishi” 2018 yil | 03.00.09. Genetika | Q.x.f.d Xalikova Malohat Bobomurodovna Paxta seleksiyasi, urug‘chiligi va etishtirish agrotexnologiyalari ilmiy tadqiqot instituti laboratoriya mudirasi | 2021 yil |
8 | Ataqulova Manzura Ne’matovna | “Biologiya ta’limi jarayonida talabalarning tadqiqotchilik faoliyatini rivojlantirish metodikasi.”
2018 yil yanvar |
13.00.02 Ta’lim tarbiya nazariyasi va metodikasi (biologiya) ixtisosligi | Nizomiy nomidagi TDPU BO‘M kafedrasi dotsenti p.f.n. G.S.Ergasheva | 2021 yil |
9 | Baxodirova Umida Baxodirovna | “Biologiya fanini o‘qitishda vertual ta’lim texnologiyasidan foydalanish metodikasi.”
2018 yil yanvar |
13.00.02 Ta’lim tarbiya nazariyasi va metodikasi (biologiya) ixtisosligi | Nizomiy nomidagi TDPU BO‘M kafedrasi dotsenti p.f.n. G.S.Ergasheva | 2022 yil |
10 | Ravshanova Muhabbat Hamroqulovna | O‘zbekiston florasisidagi Allium L. turkumi kamyob va endem turlarining genofondini saqlash va ularning biologik xususiyatlari | 13.00.03. Botanika | O‘z.Res.FA Botinika instituti huzuridagi akademiya F.N. Rusanov nomidagi Toshkent Botanika bog‘ining Anatomiya vassitoembriologiya laboratoriyasi ning etakchi ilmiy xodimi, b.f.d. G.M.Duschanova | 2022 yil |
11 | SHarapova Gulnoza Valentinovna | Biologiya ta’lim yo‘nalishi umumkasbiy fanlarni o‘rganish jarayonida talabalar shaxsini ma’naviy shakllantirish texnologiyasi | 13.00.02. Ta’lim tarbiya nazariyasi va metodikasi ixtisosligi | SamDU pedagogika fakulteti dekani p.f.n. dotsent Maxmatmurodov SHavkat Olimovich | 2021 yil |
12 | YAxshiboeva Damira Tolib qizi | Auditoriyadan tashqari mashg‘ulotlarda bo‘lajak biologiya o‘qituvchilarini ma’naviy tarbiyalashning metodik usullarini takomillashtirish. | 13.00.02. Ta’lim tarbiya nazariyasi va metodikasi ixtisosligi | SamDU pedagogika fakulteti dekani p.f.n. dotsent Maxmatmurodov SHavkat Olimovich | 2021 yil |
The faculty has a plan of spiritual and educational work on the study of spiritual and educational work, which is approved by the vice-rector for youth affairs of the institute. The “Information and Coaching Hour” was organized in an exemplary manner and recorded by the coaches in the group journals. There are also many events. In particular, Independence Day, Teachers’ and Coaches’ Day, Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Parents’ Meeting, “Religious extremism and terrorism – a threat to the future of youth” in cooperation with law enforcement officers, “Drugs for Youth” The negative impact on education “,” Beware of the flu “,” Cheerful and clever “, sports events and a number of other events were organized, and students and faculty members of the faculty also took an active part in it.
Currently, the faculty has 601 students, of whom 55 live in dormitories, 504 live in rented accommodation, and 42 live in their own homes. According to the plan set by the administration of the institute, there are round-the-clock shifts in the dormitory and the educational building.
Students living in rented accommodation are constantly informed about the situation, rental addresses, albums are prepared and submitted to the Department of Spirituality and Enlightenment of the Institute.
№ | Full name | Course and Group | Name of Olympiad | Period | Scientific advisor |
1 | Ibotova Nargiza Raxmatullo qizi | 2 kurs “G” guruh | Biologiya (mutaxasislik) fani bo‘yicha Respublika olimpiadasida 1-o‘rin | 2019-2020 o‘quv yili | PhD M.N.Ibodova |
2 | Rahimberdieva Majona Mirzohid qizi | 2 kurs “G” guruh | Biologiya (mutaxasislik) fani bo‘yicha Respublika olimpiadasida 3-o‘rin | 2019-2020 o‘quv yili | G‘aybullaeva Ozoda Obid qizi |
3 | Abdullaev SHaxboz Fozil o‘g‘li | 2 kurs “G” guruh | Biologiya o‘qitish metodikasi fani bo‘yicha Respublika olimpiadasida 3-o‘rin | 2019-2020 o‘quv yili | Jo‘raeva Dildora YUnusovna |
4 | Teshaeva Farangiz Ixtiyor qizi | 3 kurs “F” guruh | Zoologiya fani bo‘yicha Respublika olimpiadasida 3-o‘rin | 2019-2020 o‘quv yili | k.o‘q. Boratova Muxtasam G‘anievna |
T/r | To‘liq ismi- sharifi
Tavallud sanasi va joyi | Yo‘nalishi (sohasi) | Erishgan yutuqlari (davlat mukofotlari sovrindorlari, fan olimpiadalari g‘oliblari, xalqaro va respublika miqyosidagi turli tanlovlar, musobaqalar g‘oliblari va h.k) |
1 | Nishonov Javlonbek Ilxomjon o‘g‘li | 28.01.1999 Navoiy shahar | Kimyo o‘qitish metodikasi ta’lim yo‘nalishi 3 kurs | Sport buyicha, “Umid nixollari” musobaqasida faxrli I-o‘rinni egallagan. |
2 | Latipov Ibrohim Anvar o‘g‘li | 23.02.1995 Qiziltepa tumani | Kimyo o‘qitish metodikasi ta’lim yo‘nalishi 3 kurs | 5.29-30.11.2019 Toshkent shahrida ” Proforum classic sports festival” O‘zbekiston chempionatida O‘zbekiston chempioni |
3 | Abduxamidov Nurali To‘lqinovich | 05,10,1997y Karmana | Kimyo o‘qitish metodikasi ta’lim yo‘nalishi 2 kurs | Navoiy shahar Evroosiyo ochiq chnmpionati 1-o‘rin sohibi 2. 28.10.2018 Navoiy shahar Evroosiyo ochiq chnmpionati 2-o‘rin sohibi3.16.09.2018 Navoiy viloyati “Ashixara karate” birinchiligida 1-o‘rin sohibi 4.2019 yil Karate bo‘yicha O‘zbekiston chempionati Toshkent shahrida 1-o‘rin sohibi |
4 | Musaev Rustam Hasan o‘g‘li | 18.05.1994 Qiziltepa | Biologiya o‘qitish metodikasi ta’lim yo‘nalishi 3 kurs talabasi | Kombat Aykido sport turi bo‘yicha O‘zbekiston Respublikasi kubogi 1-o‘rin sohibi 26.08.2018 Bodibilding va fitnees yo‘nalishi Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi va Xorazm ochiq chempionati 3-o‘rin sohibi 21.04.2019 |
5 | SHukurova Mashhura Botirali qizi | 25.02.1999 Navoiy shaxar | Biologiya o‘qitish metodikasi ta’lim yo‘nalishi 3 kurs talabasi | “Certificate of Participant of the Conference .” 11.12.2019 |
6 | Turopova Sadoqat Orif qizi | 11.08.1996 Karmana | Biologiya o‘qitish metodikasi ta’lim yo‘nalishi 4 kurs talabasi | Farg‘ona Davlat Universitetida tashkil etilgan Xalqaro Turizmni rivojlantirishga bag‘ishlangan YOshlar Sammitida “Sanatoriya orqali qishloq turizmini rivojlantirish” loyihasi bo‘yicha I-o‘rin sohibasi. 2018-yil 19-may |
7 | Jo‘raev Javlon Zuxriddin o‘g‘li | 24.11.1998 | Biologiya o‘qitish metodikasi ta’lim yo‘nalishi 3 kurs talabasi | Certificate of Participatioon. Kazakhstan , Nur-Sulton , 13 may 2019 |
8 | Qayumova Mohinur Karim qizi | 27.10.1998 Karmana | Biologiya o‘qitish metodikasi ta’lim yo‘nalishi 3 kurs talabasi | “Yil talabasi – 2019” Respublika ko‘rik tanlovi III-o‘rin sohibasi. |
9 | Ro‘zimurodov Ma’murjon SHomirza o‘g‘li | 29.10.1995 Xatirchi | Biologiya o‘qitish metodikasi ta’lim yo‘nalishi 4 kurs talabasi | “Eng yaxshi spektakl “ nominatsiyasini Respublika bosqichi II-o‘rin sohibi. |
10 | Hojiev Oxunjon Axtam o‘g‘li | 10.07.1996 | Biologiya o‘qitish metodikasi ta’lim yo‘nalishi 4 kurs talabasi | “Yil talabasi “ tanlovining “Yilning ixtirochi talabasi “ nominatsiyasi bo‘yicha I-o‘rin sohibi. 2018-yil |
The law about “The State Emblem” was approved by the 10-th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan on July 2, 1992.
The new state emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was created to reflect the many centuries of experience of the Uzbek people.
The state emblem of the Republic presents the image of the rising sun over a flourishing valley. Two rivers run through the valley, representing the Syrdarya and Amudarya. The emblem is bordered by wheat on the right side and branches of cotton with opened cotton bolls on the left side.
The eight-angle star is at the top of the emblem, symbolizing the unity and confirmation of the republic. The crescent and star inside the eight-pointed star are the sacred symbols of Islam. The mythical bird Semurg with outstretched wings is placed in the center of the emblem as the symbol of the national Renaissance. The entire composition aims to express to desire of the Uzbek people for peace, happiness and prosperity. At the bottom of the emblem inscribed the word “Uzbekistan” written in Uzbek on a ribbon in the national colors of the flag.
The law about “The State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was adopted on November 18 in 1991 in the 8th session of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan.
The flag of our country is a symbol of the sovereignty of the Republic. The national flag of the Republic represents the country internationally when official delegations from Uzbekistan visit foreign countries, as well as at conferences, world exhibition, and sports competitions.
The national flag of the Republic is a right-angled colored cloth of three horizontal stripes: blue, white and green.
Blue is the symbol of the sky and water, which are the main source of life. Mainly, blue was the color of the state flag of Temur.
White is the traditional symbol of peace and good luck, as Uzbek people say “Ok yul”.
Green is the color of nature and new life and good harvest.
Two thin red stripes symbolize the power of life.
There is a new moon, which symbolizes the newly independent Republic.
There are twelve stars, which stand for spiritual sign. The stars also signify the historical traditions of the Uzbek people, as well as ancient solar calendar. A particular attention to twelve stars in the flag is explained yet by another suggestion, that in the states previously existed in the territory of modern Uzbekistan the scientific thought as “Astrology” had seen its rise. The stars in the Uzbek flag also point to the ancient roots of local culture, the aspirations of Uzbek people towards perfection and loyalty.
The law “On national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was adopted on the December 10, 1992 at the 11th session of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan.
Poem by A. Aripov
Music by M. Burkhanov
My country, sunny and free, salvation to your people,
You are a warmhearted companion to the friends
Flourish eternally with knowledge and invention,
May your fame shine as long as the world exists!
These golden valleys-dear Uzbekistan,
Manly spirit of ancestors is companion to you!
When the great power of people became exuberant
You are the country that amazes the world!
Belief of generous Uzbek does not die out,
Free, young children are a strong wing for you!
The torch of independence, guardian of peace,
Just motherland be eternally prosperous!
These golden valleys-dear Uzbekistan,
Manly spirit of ancestors is companion to you!
When the great power of people became exuberant
You are the country that amazes the world!