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Rector's Reception


Full nameRaximov Otabek Davlatovich
PositionDean of Faculty
Academic degree and titleАssistant professor
Telephone+998 90 948-23-97
Full nameRaupova Munira Murodovna
PositionDeputy dean on academic affairs
Academic degree and titleАssistant professor
Telephone+998 94 485-86-97
Full nameOchilov Zayniddin Sayfullayevich
PositionDeputy dean on youth affairs
Academic degree and titleClosed
Telephone+998 93 664-59-05

Fakultet haqida

Departments of Faculty:

Department of Music Education
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
Department of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics

Bachelor's fields of Faculty:

60110100 – Pedagogy
60111300 – Music education
60111200 – Fine arts and engineering graphics
60112400 – Professional training: vocal art (by type)
60112400 – Professional education: musical performance (by type)
60112400 – Professional training: drawing (by type)
60112400 – Professional training: design (by type)

Master's fields of Faculty:

70110101 – Theory and history of pedagogy (by type of activity)
70111301 – Music education and art
70111201 – Fine arts and decorative arts

Number of professor-teachers50
Doctors and Professors2
Candidate and docent13
Senior and assistant teachers35
Scientific skill of Faculty23%


About Faculty
Scientific research
Spiritual and educational work
Talented students

The total capacity of the faculty building is 1025 seats, classes are held in 2 shifts. The number of study halls is 39.
The classrooms and technical means of teaching are enough to organize the educational process at the faculty within the framework of modern requirements. Besides, professors and lecturers have created UUM in the field of science. In addition, visual aids, didactic materials, videos have been created. In particular, there are about 20 computers (1 computer class), 6 video projectors, 3 electronic boards.
There is literature on educational directions based on the exemplary curriculum and exemplary scientific programs.
The number of students graduating from the faculty in 2023 is 488 full-time students, 51 part-time students and 71 undergraduates.

 Topics of scientific research are approved by the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, research works are carried out. In particular, senior lecturer of the department D.H. Umirzakova, 19.00.05-Social Psychology. Ethnopsychology. He defended his doctoral dissertation on the theme “Ethnopsychological features of national belonging (on the example of early adolescents of different nationalities)” (scientific supervisor Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V. Karimova).
The teacher of department Numonova D.U., 09.00.04-Social philosophy. Defended doctoral dissertation on the theme “Socio-philosophical analysis of increasing responsibility of women in the modern spiritual and cultural development of Uzbekistan” on specialty (PhD). (scientific supervisor F.F.D., Professor N.O. Safarova).

13.00.01 – Pedagogical theory of the senior teacher of the department F.T.Khamidova. The topic of doctoral dissertation on the theme “Strategizing the monitoring of management monitoring of the educational system of general education schools” on the specialty of history of pedagogical teaching (PhD) was approved (scientific supervisor Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Sh.Abdullaeva). The defense is planned for the 1st quarter of 2024.
Senior lecturer of the department M.M. Raupova, 13.00.01 – Pedagogical theory. Defended a dissertation on “Development of legal consciousness of preschool children with the help of modernized didactic support” in the specialty “History of pedagogical teaching” (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences). (Supervisor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Hodjaev B.H.).

The theme of the dissertation of the teacher of department Ikromov O.A., 19.00.06, on a specialty (candidate) of youth-pedagogical psychology, on a theme “Individual-typological features of memory of students in conditions of training of a foreign language”. languages” (scientific supervisor docent G.A. Normurodov) protection is planned for 2024.
The subject of the thesis of the teacher of the department Usmonova D.A. was approved. 13.00.03-Special Pedagogy (PhD) on the topic “Development of speech of mentally retarded children of preschool age through didactic games” (supervisor, docent D.A. Akhatova) planned for 2024 defense.

19.00.01 lecturer of the department Rajabova F.A. General psychology. Professional psychology. History of psychology. The theme of the dissertation on “Motivational and value determinants forming leadership qualities in personality in adolescence” (supervisor, docent M.I. Salakhutdinova) on specialty (Candidate of Philosophy) was considered and approved by the Council of the Institute and was presented to the National Academy of Sciences.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Music Education Mazhitov Sh.M.13.00.02. – The topic of the thesis “The importance of multimedia in the formation of musical knowledge of children on the basis of interactive methods in preschool educational institutions” on specialty theory and methodology of teaching and learning (Candidate of Physical Sciences) was approved (scientific supervisor. S.F.S., acting professor S.B. Saidiy) and was submitted to the National Academy of Sciences.

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Music Education Jalilov Sh. 17.00.02- The theme of the dissertation on “Ethnogenesis and modern trends of Uzbek folk music” on the specialty (PhD) theories and methods of teaching and education was approved (supervisor, S.F.S., Professor V.B.Saidi S.B.) the defense is planned for 2024.
00.09.07 Ergashev A.V., teacher of the Department of Music Education. In 2024 it is planned to defend the dissertation on the topic “Self and its aesthetic principles in the philosophy of Sufism” in the field of social philosophy (PhD) (supervisor, Professor N.O. Safarova).

Ochilov Z.S., senior teacher of the Department of Music Education, 13.00.01.- Pedagogical theory. Dissertation on the theme “Technology of using multimedia in music literate activity” “Improvement of technology of using multimedia in music literate activity of secondary school students” in the specialty “History of pedagogical sciences” (candidate of pedagogical sciences) (scientific supervisor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Sh. N. Mustafaev) is planned to defend in 2024, reported in the “Bulletin of OAK”.
13.00.01- Pedagogical Theory of the senior teacher of the Department of Music Education B.U.Tashmurodov. It is planned to defend a dissertation on the topic “Formation of social and moral norms in students on the basis of customs of national etiquette” (scientific supervisor, candidate of pedagogical sciences Mustafaev Sh.N.) in the specialty “History of pedagogical teaching” (PhD).

13.00.01 – Pedagogical theory, teacher of the Department of Music Education Khaitov O.A. Dissertation on the theme “Pedagogical mechanisms of development of practical skills related to choral conducting in future music teachers” (supervisor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Sh.N.Mustafaev), in 2024 it is planned to defend the dissertation.
Art and Engineering Graphics Shavdirov S.A. 13.00.02. In 2022 defended a dissertation on the topic “Improvement of methodological system of formation of educational competencies related to visual literacy in students” (supervisor Sulaimanov A.V.) in the specialty “Theory and methodology of teaching and learning” (by directions).

Other professors and lecturers also conduct scientific research. Articles and theses are published.
Over the last 3 years, the chairs of the faculty have published more than 110 articles in domestic and foreign journals recognized by the National Academy of Sciences.

 The faculty has a plan for spiritual-educational work approved by the institute’s vice-rector for youth work, and on the basis of this, teacher-trainers organized an hour of “Information” every Friday of the week and recorded it in a logbook. group logbooks of trainers. done In addition, many events were organized. For example, for Independence Day, Teacher and Coach Day, Constitution Day, Parents’ Assembly, “Religious extremism and terrorism – a threat to the future of young people” in cooperation with police officers, “Drug use. in young people” together with medical workers. Negative impact on education”, “Beware of flu”, “Fun and smart”, sports events and a number of other events were organized, in which students and teachers of the faculty took an active part.

1. Nematova Tursuntosh, Alisherovna, 2nd year student of the Department of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics, Department of Design
2. Mavlonova Saidabonu Nurbakhordiralievna, a 2nd year student of the department of “Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics”, Department of Design.
3. Student of the 2nd year of the department of “Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics” Dzhoraeva Ogiloy council
4. Gofforova Dilnura Narzilloevna, 3rd year student of the department of “Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics”, painting (with easel)
5. Sohibova Dilnura Dilshodovna, a 2nd year student of the department of “Music Education”, “Instrumental Performance”.
6. Tulaeva Shahboz Dzhamshidovich, a 2nd year student of the department of “Music Education”, “Music Education”.
7-Murodullaev Azizdjona Abdullaevich, 4th year student of the department “Music Education”, department “Instrumental Performance”.
8.Bekboev Zafar Zavkiddinovich, student of the 1st stage of Master’s Degree of the 8th year of “Music Education and Art” faculty.
9.Kholmurodova Setora Normuminovna, 3rd year student of the 9th faculty “Music Education”, “Vocal Art” department
Talented students, whose names are listed below, actively participate in regional and republican competitions, events and scientific conferences.

Number of Students

Academic groups
In Uzbek groups
Russian groups
In Kazakh groups

News of Faculty