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Rector's Reception


The Navoi branch of the Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute named after Nizami was formed by order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1392 dated July 25, 1983 and Resolution of the Council of Ministers and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the UzSSR No. 455 dated July 27, 1983. By decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 28, 1992, it was given the status of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute. The institute included 2 faculties (physics and mathematics and philology).

Doctor of Science, professors14%
Candidate of Science, Associate Professor43%
Senior Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer76%
The share of professors and teachers with academic degrees35,2%


   Currently, the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute has 11 faculties and 26 departments. The institute trains bachelors in 30 areas of study and masters in 19 specialties. The number of full-time undergraduate students is 10117, part-time – 8702, evening – 1325, the number of master’s students is 237, the total number of students at the institute is 20421. Structure of the Navoi State Institute (Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 897 dated December 5, 2017 approved the Charter and structure of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute for 2018. The Charter of the Institute in the prescribed manner by decision No. 30 of the “Single Window” center of the city of Navoi dated included in the State Register on December 28, 2017) is formed as follows: Rector, Institute Council, Public Council, Vice-Rectors, Educational and Methodological Department, Information Technology Center, Master’s Department, Information Resource Center, Correspondence Department, Department of Work with Youth and Spirituality and Education, Department of Scientific Research, Innovation and Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel, Department of International Cooperation, Editorial and Publishing Department, Department of Commercialization of Scientific and Innovative Developments, Department of Planning and Finance, Department of Quality Control of Education, Personnel Department, Department of Monitoring and Internal Control, Office and archive, Department for graduate distribution and monitoring, faculties (Physics and Mathematics, Natural Sciences, History, Uzbek language and literature, Foreign languages, Art history, Preschool and primary education, Physical education). The institute employs 511 professors and teachers, of which 14 are doctors of science, professors , candidates of science, associate professors are 91 people , senior teachers and teachers are 385 people  . The share of graduate professors and teachers is 35,2%.

The number of educational buildings at the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute is 8 (with a capacity of 7500 seats), dormitories – 4 (with a capacity of 1230 seats), the number of classrooms – 245, laboratory rooms – 9, computer classes – 20, gyms – 4, open sports grounds – 5 , kitchens – 3, canteens – 1. In order to strengthen, develop and bring the material and technical base of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute to the level of the most modern requirements, modern educational and laboratory equipment, information technology and communications, textbooks and educational materials, in particular, electronic information and educational resources are constantly updated with educational literature. All educational and student residential buildings are equipped with the necessary equipment in accordance with modern requirements. In addition, the institute has 950 computers, 135 video projectors, 390 printers, 3 information kiosks, 85 Wi-Fi devices, 35 electronic boards.

The number of students:

The Department of Education pays great attention to the inclusion of all necessary disciplines in the educational process so that students become mature, qualified specialists at the level of modern requirements.

Number of faculties – 11
Number of branches – 26
Master – 19
Forms of training:

  • full-time students -10117
  •  Part-time students – 8702
  •   students in the evening – 1325
  •  Master’s degree – 237 students
  • Areas of study – 30

The academic staff:

The number of educational buildings in the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute is 8 (with a capacity of 7500 places), student accommodation is 4 (with a capacity of 1230 places), number of auditoriums – 245, number of laboratory rooms – 9, computer classes – 20, sports halls – 4, open sports fields – 5, number of kitchens – 3, number of cafeterias – 1. In order to strengthen, develop and bring the material and technical base of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute to the level of the most modern requirements, modern educational and laboratory equipment, information technologies and communication equipment, textbooks and educational materials, in particular, electronic information and educational resources, is constantly being updated with educational literature. All educational and student residential buildings are equipped with the necessary equipment in accordance with modern requirements. In addition, the institute has 950 computers, 135 video projectors, 390 printers, 3 information kiosks, 85 Wi-Fi devices, and 35 electronic boards.


Total learners
Full-time (bachelors)
part-time (bachelors)
Evening education (bachelors)