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The Department of Uzbek Literature was established in 1992. Today, the department is run by Ph.D. prof. A. Kholmurodov is leading. Currently, 24 professors are working in the department. 1 of them is a doctor of science, 8 are associate professors, 6 are candidates of science, 9 are Ph.D. (PhD), 13 senior teachers, 1 assistant teacher. 23 in the main state. Including women, there are 15 people. This is 66.6% of the scientific potential of the department.
• Suyunov Husniddin Miltiqboevich – Uzbek folk pedagogy and folklore traditions”. (Doctor of Science) 13.00.02-Theory and methodology of education and upbringing Safo Matjonov, doctor of pedagogy, professor of Chirchik State Institute. 2024 April 26.
• Jumaev Zafar Khamdamovich – “Uzbek folk prose”. (Doctor of Science) 10.00.08. Folklore Jorayev Mamatqul, Institute of Uzbek language, literature and folklore, head of department. 2025 April 20.
• Rizoyeva Mehriniso Abduazizovna – “Sacred characters in Uzbek folk prose”. (Doctor of Science) 10.00.08. Folklore. Olim Kayumov is a doctor of philology, associate professor of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature. January 2025
• Akhmedova Zebiniso Jumaqulovna – “Taboo prohibition in Uzbek literature”. (Doctor of Science) 10.00.02. – Uzbek literature. Q.S. Qayumov, doctor of philological sciences (DsC), University of Applied Sciences. April 2026
• Boltayeva Gulchehra Shokirovna – “Extraordinary genre in Uzbek literature: genesis and artistic development”. (Doctor of Science) 10.00.02. – Uzbek literature. Dilrabo Kuvvatova, Ph.D., professor of Bukhara State University. December 2023.
• Sharipova Nigora Nuriddinovna – Poetic structure and image system of the first epics of “Khamsa”. (Doctor of Science) 10.00.02. – Uzbek literature. Hamidullo Boltabayev is a doctor of philological sciences, professor of UzMU named after Mirzo Ulugbek. 2025 December 20.
• Nizomov Farhad Musa oglu – “Creation of symbolism and character in the stories of Luqman Borikhon, Abduqayum Yoldosh”. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences 10.00.02. Uzbek literature Abduhamid Kholmurodov, professor of NavDPI. 2025 December 20.
• Mansurova Nodira Bobojonovna – “Magical realism in fiction: genesis and principles of development (as examples of works of G.G. Marques, M.Bulgakov and Uzbek writers)”. 10.00.06. – Comparative literary studies, cross-linguistics and translation studies. Afokova Nodira Mahmudovna, Ph.D., deputy editor-in-chief of “Tafakkur” magazine. October 2023
• Boymanov Elyor Giyozovich – “Tourism Terminology of the Uzbek Language”. (Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, PhD) 10.00.01. – Uzbek language. Abdiyev Murodkasym Bolbekovich,
Professor of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov. December 2023.
• Theory of literary studies, Uzbek language and literature
• Uzbek literature Uzbek language and literature
• Aruz and the basics of poetics, Uzbek language and literature
• T.f. Applied folklore studies, Uzbek language and literature
• Methodology of teaching Uzbek literature Uzbek language and literature
• World literature Uzbek language and literature
• Literary theory, Uzbek language and literature
• Religious-philosophical foundations of Sufism and literature, Uzbek language and literature
• T.f. Artistic and aesthetic analysis of the literary text Uzbek language and literature
• Uzbek ceremonial folklore, Uzbek language and literature
• Expressive reading and speech culture, Uzbek language and literature
• Current literary process Uzbek language and literature
• Sufism and classical poetics, Uzbek language and literature
• Fundamentals of linguistics, Karakalpak language and literature
• Current Karakalpak language Karakalpak language and literature
• Fundamentals of literary studies, Karakalpak language and literature
• History of Karakalpak literature, Karakalpak language and literature
• Folk oral creativity, Karakalpak language and literature
• Karakalpak dialectology, Karakalpak language and literature
• Current Karakalpak literary language Karakalpak language and literature
• Language history Karakalpak language and literature
• Teacher speech culture, Uzbek language and literature
• Doing business in the state language Uzbek language and literature
• Uzbek language (in non-national groups) Uzbek language and literature
• Classic historical poetics, Uzbek language and literature (master’s degree)
• Theoretical issues of the literature of the period of independence Uzbek language and literature (master’s degree)
• Scientific-pedagogical research methodology of Uzbek language and literature Uzbek language and literature (master’s degree)
• Scientific foundations of literary theory Uzbek language and literature (master’s degree)
• Kholmurodov Abdukhamid XXX – doctor of philology, professor
• Khojayev Tahir Rashidovich – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
• Bakhshillo Sharopovich Ashurov – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
• Suyunov Husniddin Miltiqboyevich – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor
• Jumayev Zafar Hamdamovich – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
• Fayziyeva Dilfuza Olimovna – candidate of philological sciences,
• Rizoyeva Mehriniso Abduazizovna – doctor of philosophy (PhD), associate professor
• Tursunova Nasiba Hamroyevna – doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philology, associate professor
• Boltayeva Gulchehra Shokirovna – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
• Sadinova Nafisa Usmanovna – doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philology
• Tokhtayeva Bibigul Akramovna is a senior teacher
• Akhmedova Zebiniso Jumaqulovna – doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philology
• Khudoyorova Munira Bakhronovna – doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philology
Sharipova Nigora Nuriddinovna – doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philology
• Mansurova Nodira Bobojonovna – senior teacher
• Sharipova Rahima Mukhtorovna – doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philology
• The son of Nizomov Farhad Musa is a senior teacher
• Narbayeva Kanimgul is a senior teacher
• Nusratullayeva Dilnoza – doctor of philosophy in philology (PhD)
• Sattorova Mubarak is a senior teacher
• Boymanov Elyor Ghiyazovich is a senior teacher
• Muqimova Surayyo Murodovna – senior teacher
• Tukhtayeva Bibigul Akramovna is a senior teacher
• Karasayev Azizbek Sabitovich – teacher
The science of Uzbek literature
Elective subject: Uzbek ceremonial folklore
The law about “The State Emblem” was approved by the 10-th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan on July 2, 1992.
The new state emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was created to reflect the many centuries of experience of the Uzbek people.
The state emblem of the Republic presents the image of the rising sun over a flourishing valley. Two rivers run through the valley, representing the Syrdarya and Amudarya. The emblem is bordered by wheat on the right side and branches of cotton with opened cotton bolls on the left side.
The eight-angle star is at the top of the emblem, symbolizing the unity and confirmation of the republic. The crescent and star inside the eight-pointed star are the sacred symbols of Islam. The mythical bird Semurg with outstretched wings is placed in the center of the emblem as the symbol of the national Renaissance. The entire composition aims to express to desire of the Uzbek people for peace, happiness and prosperity. At the bottom of the emblem inscribed the word “Uzbekistan” written in Uzbek on a ribbon in the national colors of the flag.
The law about “The State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was adopted on November 18 in 1991 in the 8th session of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan.
The flag of our country is a symbol of the sovereignty of the Republic. The national flag of the Republic represents the country internationally when official delegations from Uzbekistan visit foreign countries, as well as at conferences, world exhibition, and sports competitions.
The national flag of the Republic is a right-angled colored cloth of three horizontal stripes: blue, white and green.
Blue is the symbol of the sky and water, which are the main source of life. Mainly, blue was the color of the state flag of Temur.
White is the traditional symbol of peace and good luck, as Uzbek people say “Ok yul”.
Green is the color of nature and new life and good harvest.
Two thin red stripes symbolize the power of life.
There is a new moon, which symbolizes the newly independent Republic.
There are twelve stars, which stand for spiritual sign. The stars also signify the historical traditions of the Uzbek people, as well as ancient solar calendar. A particular attention to twelve stars in the flag is explained yet by another suggestion, that in the states previously existed in the territory of modern Uzbekistan the scientific thought as “Astrology” had seen its rise. The stars in the Uzbek flag also point to the ancient roots of local culture, the aspirations of Uzbek people towards perfection and loyalty.
The law “On national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was adopted on the December 10, 1992 at the 11th session of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan.
Poem by A. Aripov
Music by M. Burkhanov
My country, sunny and free, salvation to your people,
You are a warmhearted companion to the friends
Flourish eternally with knowledge and invention,
May your fame shine as long as the world exists!
These golden valleys-dear Uzbekistan,
Manly spirit of ancestors is companion to you!
When the great power of people became exuberant
You are the country that amazes the world!
Belief of generous Uzbek does not die out,
Free, young children are a strong wing for you!
The torch of independence, guardian of peace,
Just motherland be eternally prosperous!
These golden valleys-dear Uzbekistan,
Manly spirit of ancestors is companion to you!
When the great power of people became exuberant
You are the country that amazes the world!