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Rector's Reception

Department Biology

Head of Department

Department Biology


Bakhramov Inomjon Zakirovich
doctor of sciences, professors3
candidate of sciences, associate professors18
Senior teachers5
Teacher assistants17
About Department
Scientific research of department
Subjects of department
Teachers of department
Electronic educational resource

The department was founded in 1992 and was called “Natural Science” and was headed by prof. B.F.D. Headed by Amonov A.A., in 2001 the department was reorganized under the name “General Biology”, and it was founded by Doctor of Biological Sciences. M.T. Ergasheva, Ph.D. Bye. Dzhumabaev and Ph.D. Headed by Khodzhiev S.O., since 2015 the name of the department has been changed to “Methods of teaching biology.” Kh. N. Kongirov was the leader. From September 2017 to June 2021, the department will be headed by d. Head G. D. Shamsidinova. From February 2023, the department will be headed by b.f.f.d. supervised by c.m.s. I. Z. Bakhramov.

The department provides training in the specialties 5110400 – Methods of teaching biology, 5110400 – Biology, 60110900 – Biology of additional natural sciences, 60110900 – Bachelor of biology and 70110901 – Methods of teaching exact and natural sciences (biology). Masters in the field of natural sciences are being trained.

The staff of the department trains bachelors and masters studying in the areas of “Methods of teaching biology” and “Biology” at the level of the requirements of state educational standards that meet the requirements of the modern rapidly developing world; along with the training of qualified personnel who are inquisitive, creative, diligent, knowledgeable and demanding, who are fluent in their profession, research is being conducted within the main topic of scientific research “Ecological features of the biodiversity of Uzbekistan and methods for improving the effectiveness of teaching biological sciences”. Currently, the department has 3 professors, 5 associate professors, 10 candidates of science, 5 senior teachers, 14 teachers and 3 teaching assistants, who provide students with modern pedagogical and information technologies.

40 teachers work at the Department of Biology Teaching Methods, 18 of them have academic degrees, 10 are independent researchers. The scientific potential of the department is 45%.

Ravshanova Mukhabat Khamrokulovna on the conservation of the gene pool of rare and endemic species of Allium L. in the flora of Uzbekistan and their biological characteristics;
Achilova Nazifa Rahmonkulovna – on the topic “Formation of pedagogical competencies of future biology teachers based on a creative approach”;
Khayitov Rizamat Shonazarovich – on the issue of the cadastre of rare plants common in the Bukhara region and the state of their modern populations;
Sharipova Dildora Radzhabovna – on the topic of technology for the development of scientific competencies of students based on a synergistic approach (on the example of biology);
Khasanov Nadir Khamrokulovich – on the topic of the influence of abiotic factors on the distribution of hydrobionts in the lower reaches of the Zarafshan River;
Khakimova Rukhsatoy Bekmurodovna – on the topic Features of the sexual maturity of a herd of wild fish in the conditions of pasture aquaculture;
Halimova Nazokat Tukhtasinovna – in the field of biological features of khashaki and low-value fish in the conditions of fish polyculture in Uzbekistan;
Rakhmonova Rukhsora Bahriddinovna. – on the topic “Inheritance of the trait of fiber coloration in cotton hybrids of the species G. hirsutum L.”;
Abralov Olim Sobirovich – on the impact on the soil of the use of non-traditional mineral fertilizers;
Akobirov Shukhrat Razidinovich – conducts scientific research on improving the methods of teaching life safety in higher educational institutions.

In the direction of the bachelor:

t/f. Education in the field of sustainable environmental development
Human anatomy and physiology
Fundamentals of genetics and selection
Methods of teaching biology
t/f. General microbiology
T / f .. Phytopathology
Technologies and Design of Biology Education
Question/F. Education for sustainable development
Genetics. evolutionary doctrine
Biological chemistry and molecular biology
Solving problems and exercises in biology
Biological basis of agriculture
Fundamentals of research activities
Plastic anatomy
Ecology and nature conservation
Age physiology and hygiene
Physiology and human health
Life safety
developmental biology
Ecology and TMH
Physiology and human health
Ecology and TMH
developmental biology


Bioecology of soils in Uzbekistan
Cellular and genetic engineering
Development of the organic world and anthropology
Methods of teaching special subjects
Normative documents in higher education
Conceptual foundations of biology
Fundamentals of ichthyology and fisheries
Problems of protection of natural resources

1. Bakhromov Inom Zokirovich – Head of the Department
2. Shamsidinova Gulchikhra Dostmurodovna – Ph.D., Associate Professor
3. Khodzhiev Sadyk Oltievich – Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
4. Zhumaboev Bakhodir Eredzhipovich – Ph.D., Associate Professor
5. Kushakov Abduvali Jabborovich – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
6. Yuldashov Murad Khudargonovich – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
7. Umarova Zhumagul Kozievna – PhD., Associate Professor
8. Malikova Aizoda Rakhmatovna – PhD., Associate Professor
9. Ibodova Makhfuza Namozovna – PhD., Associate Professor
10. Kanatbayeva Turgangul Saduovna – PhD.,senior teacher
11. Ummatova Muhaye Egamberdievna -PhD., senior teacher
12. Shodieva Ozoda Medzhidovna – PhD.,senior teacher
13. Bakhadirova Umida Bahadirovna – PhD., senior teacher
14. Atakulova Manzura Nematovna – PhD., senior teacher
15. Sulaymanov Shakhob Khodievich – senior teacher, PhD.
16. Boratova Mukhtasam Ganievna – PhD., senior teacher
17. Damira Yakhshiboeva, daughter of Talib, PhD., senior teacher
18. Sharapova Gulnoza Valentinovna – PhD., senior teacher
19. Ravshanova Mukhabat Khamrokulovna – senior teacher
20. Rakhmonova Rukhsora Bakhriddinovna – senior teacher
21. Khakimova Rukhsatoy Bekmurodovna – senior teacher
22. Yuldasheva Malika Berdiyarovna – senior teacher
23. Achilova Nazifa Rahmonkulovna – senior teacher
24. Sohibnazarov Ramz Abduvakhobovich – teacher
25. Khasanov Nadir Khamrokulovich – teacher
26. Abralov Olim Sobirovich – teacher
27. Khaitov Rizamat Shonazarovich – teacher
28. Khalimova Nazokat Tokhtasinovna – teacher
29. The son of Sayfullaev Asilbek Farkhod – teacher
30. Barotov Ulugbek son of Dilshod – teacher
31. Shomurodov Normurod Parda son – teacher
32. Akobirov Shukhrat Raziddinovich – teacher
33. Sharipova Dildora Radjabovna – teacher
34. Gamidova Dilbar Giyosovna – teacher
35. Khamroeva Madina Dadazhonovna – teacher
36. Shomuratova Khurshida Bakhterovna – teacher
37. Tilakova Shirin Khakberdievich – teacher
38. Nasirova Shahlo Kutbiddinovna – teacher
39. Akhtamov Abror Anvarovich – teacher
40. Yusupov, son of Doston Fakhriddin, teacher
41. Umaralieva Gozal Komilzhonovna – laboratory assistant
42. Tuzelbaeva Nigora Shavkat daughter – laboratory assistant
43. Babanova Ulshash Abulkasimovna – head of the cabinet

The science of botany (plant taxonomy)
Botany (Anatomy and Morphology)
The science of human anatomy
The science of human physiology
The science of developmental biology
Zoology (Invertebrate Zoology)