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Rector's Reception


Head of Department


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Ernazarova Manzura Saparboyevna
Doctor of Philology (DSc), Professor
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About Department
Scientific research of Department
Subjects of Department
Teachers of Department
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The Department of Primary Education was established on May 27, 1987 by the order of the rector of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute as part of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education under the name of the Department “Methods of Primary Education”. By the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute No. 7 dated February 28, 2015, the department was given the name “Department of Primary Education”.

Currently, the Department of Primary Education operates on the basis of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education. The faculty of the department consists of 34 people, including: 1 Doctor of Philology ( DSc ) Professor, 2 Associate Professors, 9 Doctors of Philosophical Sciences ( PhD ), 8 Senior Lecturers, 11 Lecturers, 1 Part-time Candidate of Science and 2 Freelance Watchmen Professor UzNU Saifullaeva R.R. and A.Ya. Bobomurodov .

The department trains bachelors in educational areas 5111700-“Primary education and sports and educational work” and 6111100 “Primary education” (with Uzbek, Kazakh, Karakalpak and Russian languages of instruction). The department is headed by Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Ernazarova M.S.

The purpose of the creation of the department is to train highly qualified primary school teachers in the field of public education and conduct scientific and pedagogical research in this area.

Department problem: “Theoretical and practical foundations for updating the content of primary education”.

The teaching staff of the department, namely, Doctor of Philological Sciences, prof. Ernazarova M.S., Assoc. Pirimov A.P., Assoc. Suyunov M.S., Assoc. Botirova A.E., Ph.D. Kobulova N.B. , Ph.D. Isroilova R.S. were accepted into the editorial board of various foreign and local publishing houses.

  Yernazarova Manzura Saparboevna – in 2000 she received the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, in 2007 she received the academic title of associate professor, in 2018 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic ” Grammatical meaning in the integrity of linguistic and pragmatic factors ” and received the degree of Doctor of Philology (DSc) , 2023 received the title of professor
Pirimov Akram Pirimovich defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “ Investigations of three-dimensional turbulent jets of reacting gases flowing from a rectangular nozzle in the presence of a diffusion torch”.
Suyunov Miltikboy Suyunovich defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “The use of works of architecture and miniatures in the study of classical literary materials – as a means of increasing the effectiveness of the lesson”, in 1990 he received the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, and in 1991 he received the academic title of associate professor.
Kobulova Nodira Bahodirovna doctoral dissertation on the topic ” The era and the concept of man in the prose of Erkin A’zam ” and received a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in philological sciences in 2020.
Botirova Adiba Erkinovna defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Functional-syntactic analysis of primary and secondary functions of parts of speech in the Uzbek language” and received a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in philological sciences in 2018. In 2023 he received the title of Associate Professor.
Isroilova Rukhshona Sunnatovna defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “ Technology for activating students in the process of designing lessons in their native language in primary grades ” and received a PhD in Pedagogy in 2020.
Saidova Nilufar Rosimurotovna defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “ Technologies for the use of ICT tools in the formation of mathematical competence of primary school students ” and received a PhD in pedagogy in 2021.
Alimova Shakhnoza Shukurovna defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “ Teaching the theory and practical skills of future teachers by means of media technologies ( on the example of teaching the Russian language ) ”, and in 2022 she received a PhD in Pedagogy (PhD) and received a degree.
Zhumaeva Mokhigul Abduvakhidovna defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “ Improving the effectiveness of mother tongue lessons in the context of innovative education (on the example of primary classes ) ” and received a PhD in pedagogy in 2022.
Holikulova Feruza Khasanovna defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic ” Methods of forming students’ written speech through teaching exposition in primary grades ” and received a PhD in Pedagogy in 2022.
Yunusova Durdona Akhtamovna defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic ” The study of lexical and grammatical means that form a metaphor in the poetry of Shavkat Rahman ” and received a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in philological sciences in 2022.
Ravshanova Rano Khandamovna defended her doctoral thesis on ” Forms of Addressing in Institutional and Spontaneous Discourse ” and received her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Philology in 2023.
Pardaeva Madihabonu Khakimovna is in the process of defending her dissertation on the topic ” Lexico-morphological features of the language of Abdulla Kadiri ‘s humorous works ” for the degree of Doctor of Philology.
Dzhumaeva Dilnoza Bakhshullaevna is in the process of defending her dissertation on the topic “ Pragmatic features of anthroponyms in Uzbek speech ” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences.
Zhuraeva Gulshanoy Turdievna is in the process of defending her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the topic ” The role of modern philosophy of education in the development of national ideology .”
Kazbekova Fariza Pulatovna – conducts scientific research in the specialty 13.00.02. – theory and methodology of education and training (primary education) – on the topic ” Development of speech competence of primary school students with the Kazakh language of instruction (on the example of classes in the Uzbek language) ” under the supervision of Doctor of Philosophy, prof. Ernazarova M.S.
Ergashova Fotima Toyirovna – conducts scientific research in the specialty 13.00.02. – theory and methodology of education and training (primary education) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences – on the topic ” Methods for the formation of competence of future primary school teachers using digital technologies ”
Alimov Alisher Yarashevich is in the process of defending his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences on the topic ” Improving the system for the formation of basic competencies of primary school students using modern educational technologies .”
Yuldoshev Kholmirza Davronovich is in the process of defending his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on the topic “Philosophical foundations of the Nazhmiddin Kubro sect.”
Nazhimova Amina Ismatillaevna – conducts scientific research in the specialty 13.00.02. – theory and methodology of education and training (on the example of the subject Information technology in primary school) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences – on the topic “Improving the methodology for organizing independent learning activities of future primary
school teachers ”
Omonboeva Nursaule Erkin kizi – conducts scientific research in the specialty 13.00.02. – theory and methodology of upbringing and education (primary education) – on the topic ” The use of explanatory dictionaries in the development of speech competence of primary school students (on the example of Uzbek language classes in Kazakh-language schools) ” under the scientific guidance of Ph.D., prof. Ernazarova M.S.
Norova Iroda Mirzagolib kizi conducts scientific research in the specialty 13.00.02. – theory and methodology of upbringing and education (primary education) – on the topic ” Formation of letter representations in primary schoolchildren, factors of change and the problem of husnihat ” under the supervision of Doctor of Philosophy, prof. Ernazarova M.S.
Rakhmatov Shavkat Shukhratovich conducts scientific research in the specialty 10.00.01. – Uzbek language on the topic ” Linguopoetics” Fakhrier “under the scientific supervision of d.ph.s., prof. Ernazarova M.S.
An independent researcher of the Department of Primary Education Rasulova Yulduz Abdumazhid kizi conducts a scientific research in the specialty 10.00.01. – Uzbek language on the topic “Linguistic and poetic features of morphological means in the poetry of Erkin Vakhidov” under the supervision of Doctor of Philosophy, prof. Ernazarova M.S.
The supporting doctoral student of the Department of Primary Education Eshniezova Gulhae Khamrokul kizi conducts a scientific research for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) “Linguistic foundations of artistic creativity in the poetry of Halima Khudoyberdiyeva » under the scientific guidance of d.ph.s., prof. Ernazarova M.S.
Zhulanov Donier Kulmurodovich conducts research work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on a dissertation on the topic “Improving the methodology for developing the mathematical abilities of primary school students.”

Theory of primary education subjects
Introduction to the specialty
Spelling rules of the Uzbek language
Primary Education Methodology
Topical issues of the native language and reading literacy, teaching mathematics in primary grades
The subject of education in primary school
Mathematics and methods of its teaching
Information technology in elementary grades
Pedagogy, innovation and integration of primary education
Problem Solving Workshop
Spelling rules in elementary grades
Theory of the initial course of mathematics
Methods of teaching mathematics
higher mathematics
Mother tongue teaching methodology
Native language
History of the Uzbek language
Methods of educational work
Pedagogical excellence
Mother tongue and children’s literature
Reading literacy in the native language and methods of its teaching
Modern Russian (Uzbek) language
V.P. Expressive Learning Teaching Technique
V.P. calligraphy learning technology
V.P. The culture of the teacher’s speech
V.P. Topical issues of the native language and reading literacy, teaching mathematics in primary grades
V.P. Conceptual foundations of the native language and reading literacy, teaching mathematics in elementary school
V.P. Office work in the state language
V.P. International grading system

Ernazarova Manzura Saparboevna – Doctor of Philology (DSc), Professor
Suyunov Miltikboy – Associate Professor
Pirimov Akram – Associate Professor
Botirova Adiba Erkinovna – (PhD) in Philology, Associate Professor
Kobulova Nodira Bakhodirovna – (PhD) in Philology
Isroilova Rukhshona Sunnatovna – (PhD) PhD in Pedagogical Sciences
Saidova Nilufar Ruzimurotovna – (PhD) PhD in Pedagogical Sciences
Alimova Shakhnoza Shukurovna – (PhD) PhD in Pedagogical Sciences
Zhumayeva Mokhigul Abduvohidovna – (PhD) PhD in Pedagogical Sciences
Kholikulova Feruza Khasanovna – (PhD) PhD in Pedagogical Sciences
Ravshanova Rano Khandamovna – (PhD) in Philology
Alimov Alisher Yarashevich – Senior teacher
Yuldashev Kholmirzo Davronovich – Senior teacher
Pardaeva Madihabonu Khakimovna – Senior teacher
Ergashova Fotima Toirovna – Senior teacher
Nazhimova Amina Ismatillaevna – Senior teacher
Zhulanov Doniyor Kulmurodovich – Senior teacher
Izbosarova Shakhnoza Bakhriddinovna – Senior teacher
Kazbekova Fariza Pulatovna – Senior teacher
Zhuraeva Gulshanoy Turdievna – teacher
Zhumaeva Dilnoza Bakhshillaevna – teacher
Nomozov Zhakhongir Sobirovich – teacher
Rakhmatov Shavkat Sh. – teacher
Omonboeva Nursaule Erkinovna – teacher
Norova Iroda Mirzagolib qizi – teacher
Menglieva Salima T. – Lecturer
Tashpulatova Tamara R. – teacher
Zhuraeva Mukaddas – teacher
Sobirova Sh.S. – teacher
Omonboeva Merey Erkinovna – teacher
Jahongirova Zuhra – teacher
Gofurova Durdona – teacher
Rizayeva Maftuna – teacher