The integration of local schools and vocational colleges is a policy of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute. Each year, the university provides financial and pedagogical support to a number of schools and vocational colleges. We have both students and professors on our volunteer team. To present the most recent advancements in education, NSPI professors plan specialized courses, seminars, and sessions. Additionally, NSPI graduate students participate in a program known as «4+2,» which entails four days of instruction at the institute and two days of practice at schools.
Studies are being conducted in schools in remote and remote areas attached to the institute
Residents of the region – neighborhood activists, enlightened fathers and mothers, youth and other public representatives are participating in the holiday election. Various artistic and folklore-ethnographic groups are entertaining the participants with their melodious songs.
The reforms implemented in our country have been communicated to the youth in remote areas
In order to raise the political and legal consciousness and culture of young people, actively involve them in political processes, and develop youth entrepreneurship, Fariza Amonboyeva, a 3rd-level student of the Faculty of History of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, a young entrepreneur, met with the students of the graduating class in the remote Chukurkuduq village of Nurota district. They shared their experience on career guidance of school graduates. The referendum to be held on April 30 and the main norms and principles of the adopted Constitution were detailed and explained.
In order to raise the political and legal consciousness and culture of young people, actively involve them in political processes, and develop youth entrepreneurship, Fariza Amonboyeva, a 3rd-level student of the Faculty of History of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, a young entrepreneur, met with the students of the graduating class in the remote Chukurkuduq village of Nurota district. They shared their experience on career guidance of school graduates.
The referendum to be held on April 30 and the main norms and principles of the adopted Constitution were detailed and explained.
Systematic work with neighborhood youth continues
May 9 – Educational events organized in connection with the Day of Remembrance and Appreciation
The team of the faculty of pre-school and primary education visited the house of the honorary teacher Ochiloy Ibodullayeva, who worked in the «Pre-school education» department for many years, and had a heart-to-heart conversation. Professors and teachers of the «Pedagogy and Psychology» department of the Faculty of Arts received news from the honorary pedagogue-teacher H.Bobomirzayev. Professors and teachers of the Faculty of Russian and Kazakh Philology visited the house of Grandfather Pirnazar Turdiyev, a participant of the Second World War, and congratulated him on the holiday. She also visited Gulbaram Baymanova’s house, who lives on Gulistan street, Konimekh district, and congratulated her with a holiday. Achil Baba Ismatov, a labor veteran of the Second World War, took part in the event held at the Faculty of Uzbek Language and Literature.
Rector of NavDPI Bahadir Sobirov conducts house-to-house dialogues on working with youth problems in the neighborhood
It is known that today, as a priority task in the youth policy of our country, the task of systematically working with the unemployed youth, employed in the informal sector and those who have gone to work abroad has been specially noted for all leaders in the regions. Based on this, the Rector of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Bahadir Sobirov, met with the attached youths and their parents and relatives from Navbahor district and studied their appeals. Issues such as employment of young people, assistance in obtaining subsidies, conversations with young families on the verge of divorce and social support were discussed with district officials and employees of the «Karvon» neighborhood office, suggestions and appeals were studied.
Professors and teachers of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute conducted an interview with the teaching staff of the Navoi City Secondary School № 3 attached to the department. It was also agreed on the further development of the school’s physics laboratory. Master classes were also organized by professors of the department. He met with the students of the graduating class and explained the procedures for conducting the Physics Olympiad held in schools. The professors and teachers gave comprehensive answers to the questions of schoolchildren and teachers.
Cooperation between higher educational institutions and general secondary schools
On April 25 of this year, the head of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, prof. A.A. Akhmedov and the deputy dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, Assoc. S.S. Kanatbayev visited the 9th general secondary school of Tomdi district attached to the Faculty of Physics and Technology to provide methodological and educational support.
«Mobile methodical group» conducted a study to determine the knowledge of pedagogues of 9-13 general education schools in Nurota district and explain new teaching methods
The main goal of the Mobil group is to bring school education, which is the most important link of the third renaissance, to a qualitatively new level, to train teachers as real pedagogues, to fully fulfill the tasks defined in the development strategy of New Uzbekistan. improving quality and helping to achieve efficiency.
O`zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat madhiyasining matni va musiqasi O`zbekiston Respublikasining 1992 yil 10 dekabrdagi 768-XII-sonli «O`zbekiston Respublikasining Davlat madhiyasi to`g`risida»gi Qonuni bilan tasdiqlangan.
O`zbekiston Respublikаsining Dаvlаt mаdhiyasi O`zbekiston Respublikаsi Dаvlаt suverenitetining rаmzidir.
O`zbekiston Respublikаsining Dаvlаt mаdhiyasigа zo`r ehtirom bilаn qаrаsh O`zbekiston Respublikаsi hаr bir fuqаrosining vаtаnpаrvаrlik burchidir.
Mutal Burhonov musiqasi
Abdulla Oripov so’zi
Serquyosh hur o’lkam, elga baxt, najot,
Sen o’zing do’stlarga yo’ldosh, mehribon!
Yashnagay to abad ilmu fan, ijod,
Shuhrating porlasin toki bor jahon!
Oltin bu vodiylar – jon O’zbekiston,
Ajdodlar mardona ruhi senga yor!
Ulug’ xalq qudrati jo’sh urgan zamon,
Olamni mahliyo aylagan diyor!
Bag’ri keng o’zbekning o’chmas iymoni,
Erkin, yosh avlodlar senga zo’r qanot!
Istiqlol mash’ali tinchlik posboni,
Xaqsevar, ona yurt, mangu bo’l obod!
Oltin bu vodiylar – jon O’zbekiston,
Ajdodlar mardona ruhi senga yor!
Ulug’ xalq qudrati jo’sh urgan zamon,
Olamni mahliyo aylagan diyor!
Davlat bayrog`i O`zbekiston Respublikasining 1991 yil 18 noyabrdagi 407-XII-sonli «O`zbekiston Respublikasining Davlat bayrog`i to`g`risida»gi Qonuni bilan tasdiqlangan.
O`zbekiston Respublikаsining Dаvlаt bаyrog`i O`zbekiston Respublikаsi dаvlаt suverenitetining rаmzidir.
O`zbekiston Respublikаsining Dаvlаt bаyrog`i xаlqаro munosаbаtlаrdа O`zbekiston Respublikаsining timsoli bo`lаdi.
O`zbekiston Respublikаsining Dаvlаt bаyrog`i — bаyroqning butun uzunligi bo`ylаb o`tgаn to`q moviy rаng, oq rаng vа to`q yashil rаngli uchtа endаn tаrkib topgаn to`g`ri to`rtburchаk shаklidаgi mаtodir.
Davlat gerbi O`zbekiston Respublikasining 1992 yil 2 iyuldagi 616-XII-sonli «O`zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat gerbi to`g`risida»gi Qonuni bilan tasdiqlangan.
O`zbekiston Respublikаsi Dаvlаt gerbi quyidаgi ko`rinishgа egа: tog`lаr, dаryolаr vа so`l tomoni bug`doy boshoqlаridаn, o`ng tomoni esа chаnoqlаri ochilgаn g`o`zа shoxlаridаn iborаt chаmbаrgа o`rаlgаn gullаgаn vodiy uzrа quyosh zаrrin nurlаrini sochib turаdi. Gerbning yuqori qismidа Respublikа hurligining rаmzi sifаtidа sаkkizburchаk tаsvirlаngаn bo`lib, uning ichki qismidа yarim oy vа yulduz tаsvirlаngаn. Gerbning mаrkаzidа bаxt vа erksevаrlik rаmzi — qаnotlаrini yozgаn Humo qushi tаsvirlаngаn. Gerbning pаstki qismidа O`zbekiston Respublikаsi Dаvlаt bаyrog`ini ifodа etuvchi chаmbаr lentаsining bаntidа «O’zbekiston» deb yozib qo`yilgаn.
O`zbekiston Respublikаsi Dаvlаt gerbining rаngli ko`rinishidа: Humo qushi vа dаryolаr — kumush rаngidа; quyosh, boshoqlаr, pаxtа chаnoqlаri vа «O’zbekiston» yozuvi — oltin rаngidа; g`o`zа shoxlаri vа bаrglаri, tog`lаr vа vodiy — yashil rаngdа; chаnoqlаrdаgi pаxtа — oq rаngdа; lentа — O`zbekiston Respublikаsi Dаvlаt bаyrog`ining rаnglаrini аks ettiruvchi uch xil rаngdа; sаkkizburchаk — oltin zаrhаl bilаn hoshiyalаngаn holdа hаvo rаngdа; yarim oy vа yulduzlаr — oq rаngidа tаsvirlаngаn.